Why Purpose for impact

Case Study: St. Hilda’s East



About WHY

IG’s trademark “WHY Social Purpose Programme” is relied on by Charity Social Investors looking to invest in charities with impact goals they share driven by a clear, compelling WHY social purpose-led Business Plan.

The WHY programme shows investors that your overarching purpose and objectives have been rigorously considered with a united and shared voice and benefits from a greater level of invested commitment.

The framework also provides greater assurance to supporters that goals are focused and deep-rooted in a unique set of values and culture.

Overall taking part in the WHY programme increases stakeholder and investor confidence that your business plans and stated goals are more invested, more credible and ultimately more likely to deliver positive social impact and return on their investment.



Deliver more significant social impact and achievement

It involves people in the journey and not just the destination, making them feel valued and more invested, empowering people at every level to own and drive the change they want to see. The purpose framework brings people together to share and belong to something greater with others.

By focusing on a united, clear and collective purpose, people are more likely to:

  • Achieve shared goals.
  • Deliver more profound levels of social impact.
  • Increase levels of satisfaction and feelings of personal and collective achievement.
  • Be more loyal, resilient and invested.

Improve organisational and personal inner resilience.

Establishing a compelling “WHY” and shared commitment to your purpose improves organisational resilience; with greater focus, you are better able to tackle obstacles and setbacks to achieve your overarching goal. Clear purpose helps us do more, even in times of constant change and challenge. It makes us more robust, more united and able to bounce back more quickly.  We can’t always change what happens to us; we can change how we respond by investing in a clear and united “Why”.

More confidently direct & allocate resource 

A clearer “WHY” means we can better prioritise and develop strategies with greater confidence to allocate and invest our time, resource, energy, and passions to the things that matter more to us, rather than trying to be all things to all people all the time.

Galvanise efforts to bring others on-board

Bringing together a collective passion and driven explanation of WHY we do what we do signals to others what we stand for and why. Clear intent and direction of travel allows stakeholders and the wider community to join us in our shared mission and purpose. 

Increase confidence, support and investment

Theory of Change and other frameworks used to share plans with partners, social investors, and the public for evaluating social impact rely on outcomes that stem from a solid, focused and overarching goal.


Articulating a united and tightly focused “WHY” (shared purpose) statement increases confidence to stakeholders and investors that your plans are more invested, more likely to achieve their goals and deliver far more significant levels of positive social impact.


IG WHY Progamme Circle Map Key benefits